Cashmere Kittens

Nome dell’agenzia
Cashmere Kittens
Sandton, Johannesburg
Servizio per
  • Maschi
  • Donne
  • Ts/Tv
  • Coppia
  • 2+
  • Albergo cliente
  • Albergo di accompagnatrici
  • Casa della accompagnatrici
Descrizione breve
Welcome to Cashmere Kittens,A refreshing alternative to traditional agencies, where refinement meets pure sophistication.
We distinguish ourselves not as an ordinary companionship agency, but as a consortium of elite courtesans who have united to curate an unparalleled experience.
Every. Single. Time.

Comprising of individuals of beauty, class, and good reputation within our industry. Every lady has risen to the top of her particular category, by simply providing exceptional, authentic service.

Each companion embodies professionalism, executes services with finesse, and exudes a punctual and spirited demeanor, ensuring a delightful experience for our discerning clientele.

Our success transcends mere physical beauty; it is rooted in our capacity to deliver unparalleled service, unforgettable memories, and exhilarating encounters, without fail.

Every. Single. Time.

For inquiries, kindly reach out to our centralized booking office via WhatsApp, where we guarantee a seamless process.

From coordinating meetings to overseeing every detail meticulously, our on call booking agent will ensure your satisfaction.

We are independent escorts, backed by a brand who accepts full liability in case something does go wrong.

We value your time, money and your trust.

In the event of any unforeseen circumstance, rest assured that we will promptly address it, offering alternative options should your preferred companion be unavailable at the designated time.
Dettagli del contatto
Telefono internazionale
  • 220 Mostra
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